RaLiSat-1 Base station system design
For my high altitude balloon project, I am designing a portable base station system to recieve the transmission from the payload.
The base station is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ based system with Lora module E32-868T30D from manufacturer Ebyte. This is very much the same module that I've used in the payload for transmission. I've also added an active buzzer to sound a beep whenever the system receives location data which is designed to happen every 5 seconds. The buzzer helped a lot during the testing phase when I had to keep this constantly running in various conditions. I believe this will help during actual flight as well, as the chasing is going to be continuous.
The software system is basically simple and uses the same Lora classes from the payload source code. The objective is to just wait for data from the payload and send acknowledgement. Internally the payload sensor data is decoded and stored in InfluxDB. I am using Grafana integrated to InfluxDB, to pull a beautify dashboard for quick data visualisation.

Payload chasing plan:
The idea is to use the base station system connected with a Wifi dongle and a power-bank, so the Grafana dashboard can be accessed using a laptop. The Map shows the latests position of the payload and will help chase it during the return fall. Hoping this will work! Stay tuned for the final results.